Deacon Ordination at Sacred Heart Theological College, Shillong: A Milestone of Service and Inspiration

Rt. Rev. Joseph Aind (Bishop Emeritus of Dibrugarh Diocese) conferred the status of Deacon upon 20 Clerics at Sacred Heart Theological college, Shillong on 1 July 2024. We congratulate Br. George Wangshu, Br. Binoy Kujur, Br. Gregory Kerketta, and Br. Daikho Mathew on their ordination as deacons. May this milestone in their spiritual journey be blessed with joy, wisdom, and a deepening commitment to their vocation. May they continue to serve with love and compassion, and may their ministry be a source of inspiration to all. Congratulations once again dear Deacons.

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THE TOUCH THAT HEALSWisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mark 5:21-43 Sue Knutson was hiking alone in the mountains when her foot slipped between two boulders. She felt sharp pain in her ankle, and then collapsed on her back.Miles from civilization, Knutson, a nurse, held her leg in the air and used the only resource available—her hands—to reduce the swelling and shooting pain. She held her hands a few inches from her ankle and breathed deeply and slowly. The pain began to ebb, and after thirty minutes she was able to limp to the road unassisted. At the

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LORD, DO YOU NOT CARE…?Job 38:1, 8-11; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; Mark 4:35-41 Monty had severely handicapped limbs, the result of polio. Through dogged determination, he got a degree and a job. Then he developed a vision problem; doctors discovered that his retinas were becoming detached. Monty found himself facing blindness and immobility. We can identify with Monty’s experience. There is so much turmoil and suffering in our lives. When we think things have quieted down, more turmoil erupts. We wonder how much more can we take! That’s probably the unasked question in the disciples’ minds in today’s gospel!The incident happens

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START UP!Ezekiel 17:22-24; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10; Mark 4:26-34 Jeff Bezos started an online bookstore in his garage in Bellevue in 1994. Today, Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer.Larry Page and Sergey Brin started a search-algorithm project in a friend’s garage in 1998. Today, Google is the most trafficked site in the world.In 1976, twenty-year-old Steve Jobs hand-built fifty computers in a garage in Cupertino. Today, Apple is the most valuable tech company in the world. Everything starts small, including the kingdom of God! It is a startup! In the gospel, Jesus gives two images of the kingdom.The first image

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X SUNDAY OF THE YEAR: 09 June 2024

MISUNDERSTOOD!Genesis 3:9-15; 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1; Mark 3:20-35 A teen wrote: “I feel misunderstood. When I have difficult things going on in my life, I can’t talk to anyone in my family about it; they usually tell me that they get what I’m feeling. They don’t. Has anyone else had the same experience or am I crazy for having these emotions?”An adult said: “I feel trapped in a world that judges me at every turn and yet never bothers to try to help or understand.” Sounds familiar? Have you ever been misunderstood? Has anyone taken your words/motives and twisted them around?

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LIVE THE EUCHARISTExodus 24:3-8; Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 Some years ago, some students were standing at the entrance of their college of theology. A woman, dishevelled and distraught, came running and pleaded with them to save her. She had escaped from a nearby quarry where she was a bonded labourer; she had been beaten and branded. Incredibly, her “master” was a devout Catholic who came for the Eucharist every Sunday; he was esteemed in the church and a noted philanthropist.During communion one Sunday, a lady was nudged by the lady behind her. She snarled at her, abused her, and

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Dimapur Province begins 15th Provincial Chapter

Dimapur, India, May 27, 2024: The Salesian Province of St.Francis de Sales inaugurated its 15th Provincial Chapter at the Provincial House in Dimapur,marking a significant moment of reflection and spiritual renewal.Themed “Passionate about Jesus Christ, Dedicated to Young People: Living our Salesian Vocation Faithfully and Prophetically,” the Chapter runs from May 27 to May 31,2024. The Chapter commenced with the arrival of participants at 4:00 PM,followed by tea. Chapter moderator Fr. Devasia Rajesh delivered an inspiring welcome address. “As we engage in deep reflection, meaningful dialogue,and thoughtful planning, let us be guided by the Holy Spirit in all our endeavors,”

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New Booklet Release: “Question Paths to Climb Pravesh” by Fr. PX Francis SDB

Shajouba, Dimapur Province 24 May 2024 – The Don Bosco Group in Shajouba proudly announces the release of a new booklet titled “Question Paths to Climb Pravesh,” authored by Fr. PX Francis SDB. The booklet emphasizes the principles of scouting and the vital importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, particularly highlighting the negative impacts of smoking. Drawing inspiration from Baden-Powell’s foundational work, “Scouting for Boys,” Fr. Francis underscores an unwritten component of the Scout Law: “A Scout is not a fool!” He elaborates that scouts, in their wisdom and commitment to health, should abstain from smoking. Smoking, he argues, diminishes

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THE HOLY TRINITYCELEBRATE-IMITATE OUR 3-IN-1 GODDeuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40; Romans 8:14-17; Matthew 28:16-20 Multi-tasking is a way of life today… with many multi-function devices to help us! Think about the 3-in-1 stylus-laser pointer-pen. AIO printers print-copy-scan-fax. Today’s smartphones do virtually everything! With all these multi-functioning devices, it shouldn’t be difficult to accept the notion that one God can exist as three persons! Our God is “multi-function” (though we ought not to reduce God to function)! It is proper to attribute the work of creation to the Father; the work of healing and redemption to the Son; and the work of guidance

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THE CUSHION OF THE SPIRITActs 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Galatians 5:16-25; John 20:19-23 A submarine, under test, had to remain submerged overnight. A terrible storm hit the coast and battered the ships in the harbour.The next morning, when the sub resurfaced, the harbour master asked the captain: “How did the storm last night affect you?”The captain looked at him in surprise: “Storm? We didn’t even know there was one!”The sub had reached an area sailors call the “cushion of the sea.” Though the winds battered the ships at the harbour, they never stirred the deep waters; the submarine

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