Journey of Learning, Sportsmanship, and Cultural Exchange at Don Bosco College, Golaghat

Don Bosco College commenced its College Week 2025 with a spirited inaugural ceremony on February 3, featuring a blend of academic celebration, cultural performances, and motivational discourses. The event, graced by Shri Atul Bora, Honourable Cabinet Minister of Assam, witnessed a remarkable display of student discipline and institutional pride. Minister Bora received the Guard of Honour, hoisted the college flag, and delivered an inspiring address. Fr Kamil Horo SDB, Rector of the College, prayed for wisdom and knowledge as the ceremony began with a solemn invocation. During his welcome speech, The Principal, Fr A. Amaladoss SDB, expressed his pride in

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First Salesian Priest from Arunachal Pradesh Ordained: A Testament to Enduring Missionary Efforts

On December 17, the Catholic Church and the Salesian Congregation marked a historic moment as Father Wangbo George Wangsu, the first Salesian priest from Arunachal Pradesh, was ordained at St. Joseph Parish Mintong, by Rev. Bishop George Palliparambil, SDB, DD, the Bishop of Miao Diocese. Father Wangbo George Wangsu, belonging to the Wancho Tribe, is a testimony to the enduring missionary efforts in the region. Father Wangsu was ordained in the presence of Auxiliary Bishop Denis Panipitchai SDB and a host of Salesians, clergy, religious sisters, and faithful from across the region. Father George Wangsu is the eldest of seven

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Salesian Global Coordinator for Higher Education Visits Salesian Province of Dimapur

The Global Coordinator of Salesian Higher Education International Rome and the former Principal of Salesian College Siliguri and Sonada, Father Dr. George Thadathil, SDB, visited the Salesian Province of Dimapur from November 21 to 27. His visit was marked by workshops and faculty development programs conducted across several regional colleges, fostering innovative research, enhancing teaching methodologies, and promoting constitutional values. At Don Bosco College, Maram, Father Thadathil facilitated a three-day international workshop on “Innovative Research Writing,” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). The workshop brought together postgraduate students, research scholars, and faculty members, focusing on cutting-edge research writing

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Don Bosco College Golaghat Celebrates Indian Constitution Day

Faculty members and students of Don Bosco College Golaghat in Upper Assam marked the 75th anniversary of adopting the Indian Constitution with the seminar, pledge taking, and a medley of patriotic songs on 26th November. Don Bosco College Golaghat, the second oldest Salesian Educational Centre in Assam, started in 1941, celebrated the Constitution in the presence of Father George Thadathil SDB, Coordinator of Salesian Higher Education Global Network, Rome, and Vice-Chancellor of Assam Don Bosco University and former Principal of Don Bosco College Golaghat Dr. Father Jose Palely SDB. “The event was a significant occasion aimed at fostering awareness and

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Faculty Empowered with AI and Well-Being Insights for Higher Education

To equip faculty members, research scholars, and students with the latest knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence and student well-being, Don Bosco College Golaghat, Assam, organized a five-day international Faculty Development Programme (FDP) from November 25 to 29, AI and Well-being in Higher Education: Balancing Technology and Mental Health. The IQAC, in collaboration with the college’s research cell, organized the FDP. The engaging and informative programme equipped the participants with strategies to integrate technology effectively in higher education while addressing mental health concerns. The interactive sessions provided valuable takeaways for fostering a balanced and student-centered learning environment:• Harnessing the Power of

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Fostering Research Excellence: Don Bosco College’s, Maram, International Workshop on Innovative Research Writing

Don Bosco College, Maram recently hosted a three-day international-level workshop on Innovative Research Writing organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Don Bosco College (Autonomous), Maram. Prof. George Thadathil SDB, the General Coordinator of Salesian Higher Education International (SHEI) Global Network, Rome, Italy was the resource person. The event, held from 21st to 23rd November, 2024 aimed to enhance research skills, foster critical thinking, and encourage innovative approaches to academic research. The workshop brought together a diverse group of faculty members, research scholars and students from various institutions across the country. The sessions were designed to address pressing

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Community Unites for a Solemn Eucharistic Celebration at St. John Bosco Parish, Khoupum

On 11th October , over three thousand participants gathered at St. John Bosco Parish in Khoupum Valley today for a Solemn celebration of the Holy Eucharist, accompanied by a solemn Eucharistic procession. The Holy Eucharist was presided over by Most Rev. (Dr.) Linus Neli, Archbishop of Imphal, who inspired the faithful with his spiritual guidance. The gathering included parishioners from the local community as well as neighboring parishes from the Rongmei area, creating a vibrant atmosphere of fellowship and devotion. Approximately twenty priests and religious joined the celebration. Despite earlier weather forecasts predicting rain, the day unfolded with unexpected pleasant

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St. Theresa Catholic Church, Golaghat Parish Celebrates Annual Feast

On Sunday, 06th October 2024, St. Theresa Catholic Church Golaghat Parish celebrated its annual parish feast with an impressive display of faith, culture, and community unity. The event was graced by the presence of Rt. Rev. Bishop Albert Hemrom, Bishop of Dibrugarh Diocese, who presided over the Holy Eucharistic celebration and administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 55 candidates, including children and adults, who had been diligently prepared for two months through catechism and faith formation by Sr. Veronica, Sr. Ebrani, and the catechists. The day began with a warm welcome for Bishop Hemrom from parish priest Fr. Kamil Horo

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Youth Involve Celebrates 10 Years, Commemorates Bicentennial of Don Bosco’s Dream

Youth Involve (YI), an initiative of Bosco Institute Jorhat, celebrated its 10th anniversary alongside the bicentennial of Don Bosco’s dream, from September 17–19 at Siloam, Umiam. Twenty-six young social entrepreneurs leading as many social projects and initiatives from Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland, and their Salesian and lay mentors and coaches came together for 3 days of sharing experiences and insights, and learning from successes, failures, distractions and challenges, through presentations, exhibitions, conversations, reflections and group activities. They were welcomed by Fr. George Palamattam SDB, the founder of Siloam. Youth Involve had its origin in the question, “Should young

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Don Bosco College Golaghat Launches Don Bosco International Journal of Humanities and Social Science: A Multidisciplinary Annual Academic Journal

The Don Bosco International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (DBIJHSS), with ISSN: 3048-6823 (Online), is a newly launched, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Research Cell of Don Bosco College Golaghat, Assam. The inaugural issue was released on May 13, 2024, marking the beginning of a significant platform for intellectual discourse and academic exchange across the diverse disciplines of humanities and social sciences. The journal, published annually, welcomes submissions in a variety of formats including scholarly research articles, essays, book reviews, and works of fiction. It aims to foster cross-disciplinary dialogues and promote diverse cultural perspectives, bridging the gaps

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