Don Bosco College Golaghat Launches Don Bosco International Journal of Humanities and Social Science: A Multidisciplinary Annual Academic Journal

The Don Bosco International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (DBIJHSS), with ISSN: 3048-6823 (Online), is a newly launched, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Research Cell of Don Bosco College Golaghat, Assam. The inaugural issue was released on May 13, 2024, marking the beginning of a significant platform for intellectual discourse and academic exchange across the diverse disciplines of humanities and social sciences. The journal, published annually, welcomes submissions in a variety of formats including scholarly research articles, essays, book reviews, and works of fiction. It aims to foster cross-disciplinary dialogues and promote diverse cultural perspectives, bridging the gaps

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Spiritual Renewal for 51 Salesians at First Annual Retreat.

From September 16th to 22nd, 51 Salesians gathered for the annual retreat at Don Bosco Institute for Development and Leadership (DBIDL) in Dimapur. The retreat was preached by Fr. Dr. Thomas Anchukandam, SDB, from the Province of Bangalore. Fr. Thomas, currently the Director of the Institute of Salesian History at UPS Rome, is a former provincial of Bangalore and has served as a professor of Church History at Kristu Jyoti College (KJC), Bangalore. The retreat began with a warm introduction of the preacher by Fr. Deli, the Vice Provincial, who also welcomed the participants and set the tone for the

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CATC – 77 successfully concludes at Don Bosco College Golaghat

Golaghat 3 September 2024: The Ten-Day Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC) – 77, held from August 18 to August 28, at Don Bosco College, Golaghat, brought together 400 NCC cadets and 200 college students from various educational institutions across Golaghat, Jorhat, and other districts of Assam. Don Bosco College  hosted the NCC camp for the first time, and participants from diverse backgrounds joined in enhancing their skills and knowledge under the guidance of experienced trainers and officers. The 74 Assam Girls (I) Coy NCC under Jorhat Group organized the camp in collaboration with Don Bosco College. On the opening day,

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XIX SUNDAY OF THE YEAR: 11 August 2024

BREAD FOR THE JOURNEY1 Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians 4:30—5:2; John 6:41-51 A senior citizen went to a restaurant for lunch and always had soup. One day the manager asked him how he liked his meal. He replied: “Good but you could give me more bread. Two slices aren’t enough.”The next day the manager told the waitress to give the man four slices, then eight. Still not enough! The manager told the waitress to give him a whole loaf. But the senior citizen wanted more!The manager wanted to satisfy this customer. The next day, he ordered a huge loaf of bread from

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CRAVING SOMETHING MORE…Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15; Ephesians 4:17, 20-24; John 6:24-35 The book “Acres of Diamonds” narrates the tale of Ali Hafed. Hafed, a wealthy Persian, owned a large farm with orchards, fields, and gardens. He had a lovely family and was a contented man.Contented till an old priest told Hafed that if he had a diamond the size of his thumb, he could own a dozen farms. Hafed asked: “Where can I find these diamonds?” The priest said: “Search for a river that runs over white sands between high mountains. In those sands, you will find diamonds.”Hafed went to bed

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HELP PEOPLE… HELP THEMSELVES2 Kings 4:42-44; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15 We have many and conflicting requests for help. For instance, you are working on a critical task and someone needs help. You return after a hard day at work and your child has a project/ needs a drop/ is unwell. Jesus experienced something similar.Today’s gospel opens with him going to the other side of the Sea of Galilee after John’s beheading to avoid danger or to grieve over his loss. He cannot be by himself: the crowds follow him; he is faced with an unexpected demand, an intrusion on his

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HE HAD COMPASSION ON THEMJeremiah 23:1-6; Ephesians 2:13-18; Mark 6:30-34 The oncologist walked through the parking lot with just one thought: the dire diagnosis he had handed Jim. Advanced pancreatic cancer. He noticed an elderly gentleman handing tools to someone under a stalled car. That someone was Jim! Doc yelled: “Jim, what are you doing?” Jim crawled out, dusted off his pants, and said: Doc, my cancer didn’t tell me to stop helping others.” He waved at the man to start the car. The engine roared to life. The man thanked Jim and drove off. Jim got into his car

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CALLED AND SENTAmos 7:12-15; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:7-13 She begins her program with a Bach symphony. She next plays an Irish air, then a Bob Dylan folk song, and finally a jazz improvisation. The venue: a hospice. The audience: one, a 70-year-old woman with terminal cancer. Through her music she provides a measure of peace for those walking their last steps in this world.She was a “little” Carmelite nun! She was not qualified (in her words: “I am only tenth pass.”). But people from every walk of life – bishops, priests, religious, laity – and every religion came to seek

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REJECTEDEzekiel 2:2-5; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Mark 6:1-6 In 1960, religious persecution broke out in Sudan. Paride Taban fled to Uganda. There he studied for the priesthood and was ordained. When the Sudan situation stabilized, Fr Taban returned and was assigned a parish in Palotaka. His parishioners always had white priests before who gave them clothing and medicine. Fr Taban was like them—black, poor… with nothing material to give them. His people would not accept this poor black man as a priest. The story of Fr Taban is an example of the rejection every prophet encounters. Prophets in Hebrew and Christian

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