Messina, Italy 4 July 2023: In a momentous occasion, Fr. GANGMEI Gailangam Timothy SDB, hailing from Dimapur Province, successfully defended his licentiate in Catechetics on 14 June 2023, at the Università Teologica “San Tommaso” in Messina, Sicily, Italy. Fr. Timothy’s exceptional performance during his defense earned him the prestigious distinction of 110E Lode. The title of his licentiate thesis was “Empowerment e Management Parrocchiale per la Catechesi: Analisi dei modelli catechistici in prospettiva progettuale” (Empowerment and Parish Management for Catechesis: Analysis of Catechetical Models from a Project Perspective). Under the guidance of Fr. Antonino Romano SDB, Fr. Timothy delved into
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