Unveiling Fr. Nelson Falcao’s Kristapurana Translation: A Celebration of Scholarly Endeavour

Bordumsa: 22 February 2024: During the Provincial Visitation of Don Bosco Bordumsa, Fr. Jose Kuruvachira SDB, the Provincial of Dimapur Salesian Province, unveiled the book “Kristapurana” Translation by Fr. Dr. Nelson Falcao, S.D.B on 22 February 2024. The event, held in the presence of key figures from the Salesian community, marked a celebration of scholarly achievement and cultural enrichment. Fr. Benny James, the Provincial Economer, along with Fr. Anto Tharakan SDB, the Rector of Bordumsa, Fr. Manoj Abraham SDB, Principal of Don Bosco School, and Fr. Sandeep Barla SDB, the Administrator of Don Bosco School, graced the occasion with their

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II SUNDAY OF LENT: 25 February 2024

NO HOLDING BACKGenesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Romans 8:31b-34; Mark 9:2-10 No Holding Back is the title of Michael Holding’s autobiography.It conveys his attitude during his career: he gave his all in every match. It highlights his manner as a commentator: though gentle, he is a fearless and rational critic. It captures the tenor of the book: he does not shirk controversial issues—the slide of West Indian cricket, the dismal state of its admin, and ICC politics.Holding owes his achievements as a cricketer, a commentator, and a writer to “no holding back”! “No holding back” is the thrust of today’s

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