Acts 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8
A few days ago, our gardener was trimming the plants. There was something noticeable about the trimmed parts on the ground. Within minutes these started wilting and soon died.
Now one might say: “Duh! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that! Obviously, a branch/twig cannot live apart from the plant.”
True! But seeing the wilted and dying twigs drilled home this truth.
Jesus uses this fact of nature as a metaphor for Christianity. In his farewell discourse in John’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples: “I am the vine, you are the branches… without me you can do nothing.” The disciples knew about the importance of the vine: it was a cash crop. But beyond economy, the vine was a symbol of the nation; often in the Old Testament, Israel is pictured as a vine or vineyard of God. Jesus indicates that he is the new Israel; it is vital for his disciples to remain connected to him for them to have life and to bear fruit.
How does one remain connected to Jesus?
In three ways: by gathering in his name; by listening to his word; by sharing his body and blood. That’s what we do every time we celebrate the Eucharist! The principal way of remaining in Jesus is through the Eucharist. Another way is through prayer – not a recitation of formula, not a listing of needs and wants – but an intimate relationship with God.
How do we know we remain in Jesus and he in us?
“Those who keep his commandments remain in him, and he in them” (second reading). His commandment is that we love one another… the way Barnabas loved the recently converted Paul (first reading). We know we remain in Jesus when we bear the fruit of love.
Remaining in Jesus also necessitates pruning! The Father prunes the vine so that it grows to its potential. He prunes everything that resists life/ drains our energy and prevents us from becoming who we are called to be.
The liturgy calls us to remain connected with Jesus the vine and to allow the Father the vine-grower to prune us that we may bear fruit.
How will I remain in Jesus? What areas of my life are draining my energy and preventing me from being the real me?
By: Fr (Dr) Mascarenhas Vinod SDB