Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Matthew 17:1-9

Eric Carle, the author and illustrator of children’s books, recalls that he was a shy six-year-old when the storytelling world opened for him:
“The world seemed a cold and confusing place, except for one thing—a picture of a cityscape that faced my bed: red brick buildings with darkened windows, except for one exploding with the joyful colours of a Christmas tree. The picture was the work of an art director at my father’s job.
Once, my father took me to work. I was so shy I could barely speak. The art director smiled, opened the drawer of his drafting table… a treasure of coloured drawing pencils, and said: ‘You can use them all.’
I had no language for what I felt. Today I would call it grace.”

For Jesus and the three apostles, the transfiguration was a moment of grace.
The transfiguration confirmed for Jesus his identity: In the experience of prayer on the mountain, the Father reveals who Jesus is: “This is my Son, the Chosen One.”
The transfiguration confirmed Jesus’ saving mission: Luke gives the content of Jesus’ conversation with Moses and Elijah. “They… tell him about his departure (or exodus) that had to take place in Jerusalem.” The exodus of the Hebrews was a struggled-filled journey; so will it be for Jesus! The transfiguration gives him a foretaste of his glory and strengthens him for his journey to Jerusalem.
The transfiguration showed the apostles Jesus’ identity: Peter, James, and John realise that this is no carpenter; no preacher or healer or miracle-worker; this is God!

We have moments of grace: in prayer, in encounters with significant people, in key life events. God is present within us to affirm that we are his children and to confirm his will for us.
Let me recall some of these! Do I see these as “transfiguring” moments; as God’s reaffirmation of my identity as his child? Do I allow God’s grace to transfigure sadness into joy; despair into hope; fear into faith and courage; isolation into communion?

By: Fr Dr Mascarenhas Vinod SDB

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