In the depths of faith’s embrace, behold,
The Sacred Heart, a story to be told.
A symbol of love that knows no bounds,
In grace and mercy, eternal it resounds.
Within that heart, a flame divine,
A beacon of hope that will forever shine.
A heart that beats with compassion’s art,
Guiding us through life’s intricate chart.
Oh, Sacred Heart, ablaze with love’s fire,
A sanctuary in which souls aspire.
In your embrace, we find solace and peace,
A refuge where earthly worries cease.
With wounded hands outstretched so wide,
A testament to love’s ultimate stride.
They bear the scars of sacrifice untold,
Redemption’s story forever unfold.
Your eyes, a mirror of infinite grace,
Gently gazing upon the human race.
In each tear shed, in every sigh,
You understand our sorrows, never deny.
Oh, Sacred Heart, a fount of healing,
A balm for wounds, gently revealing.
In you, we find forgiveness and release,
A divine invitation to find inner peace.
In the depths of our own brokenness,
We seek your heart, a source of blessedness.
To dwell within your love’s eternal flame,
And forever praise your sacred name.
Oh, Sacred Heart, our steadfast guide,
In your presence, we humbly abide.
With gratitude, we offer our devotion,
Forever bound in eternal commotion.
In the sanctuary of your Sacred Heart,
We find solace, never to depart.
Oh, sacred symbol of love’s purest art,
Forever reign within our grateful heart.
Written by : Bro. Dominic Zabenthung Humtsoe