“May each day of your life be a blessing for others you encounter.”
22nd May 2023 will always be a memorable day for the brothers who perpetually professed themselves to God. A hearty congratulations to Cl. Panmei Ignatius, Cl. Toppo Binoy, Cl. Kujur Eleajar, Cl. Khamo Zhopa Charles for taking a giant step in their life. The perpetual profession took place at Salesian College, Dimapur at 5.30 p.m. The main celebrant for the Holy Eucharistic celebration was Fr. Jose kuruvachira SDB, the provincial of the salesian province of Dimapur. The holy eucharist was concelebrated by 15 priests of the neighbouring communities of Dimapur, and more than 100 religious participated in the solemn occasion. The presence of the family members too encouraged the brothers to commit themselves totally to the Lord. The perpetual profession concluded with a short felicitation program and fellowship meal thereafter in the Salesian college dinner hall. It was indeed memorable and blessed day for all the perpetually professed brothers of the salesian province of Dimapur. The province rejoices to receive these five perpetually professed brothers with an open arms.