Wisdom 6:12-16; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; Matthew 25:1-13
A youngster applied for a job as a farm hand. When the farmer asked him for his qualifications, he said: “I can sleep when the wind blows.” The farmer was puzzled but he hired the young man.
A few nights later, there was a violent storm. The farmer and his wife woke up and began quickly checking things. They found a supply of logs near the fireplace; the implements were in the storage shed; the tractor was in the garage; the barn was properly locked; the animals were calm. The farmer grasped the meaning of the young man’s words: “I can sleep when the wind blows.” The farm hand had faithfully performed his work; he was prepared for the storm.
In the Gospel parable, Jesus uses the context of a Palestinian wedding to talk about the same thing: being able to sleep when awaiting the bridegroom’s coming!
The parable has an immediate-local meaning. The Jews’ history and scriptures should have prepared them for the coming of Jesus. But they were unprepared and were therefore shut out from the banquet.
The parable has a universal significance. There are some things we cannot put off. We cannot put off our prep for the Lord’s coming.
Further, the fact that the wise did not share their surplus oil suggests that the prep for the Lord’s coming is not something that one can borrow/share. One cannot borrow/share a relationship with God; character/attitude; love and good works. Every person must make his/her own preparation!
Moreover, what separates the wise from the foolish? Both were invited to keep vigil, both brought their lamps, both fell asleep. Two things separate them. One, the wise had adequate oil; they were prepared. Two, there is no mention that the lamps of the wise ones were going out; only the lamps of the foolish ones were. Perhaps the oil they were using was insufficient in quality as well.
Every person is responsible for the state of his/her lamp!
What is the level and quality of the oil of the lamp of my life? Do I have enough oil to see me through serious moments?
If my lamp is going out, perhaps I have not filled it enough and with the right oil!
By: Fr Dr Mascarenhas Vinod SDB