Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10; Matthew 22:34-40
At the entrance to the harbour at the Isle of Man there are two lights. One would think that two signals would confuse the pilot. No! The pilot must keep both in line for the ship to safely enter the channel.
It is the same with life. We need to keep the three dimensions of love—love of God, love of others, and love of self—in line; then we remain safe in the channel of life.
The Sunday readings challenge us to learn and practise these three dimensions of the “greatest commandment”.
In response to the scribe’s question—which commandment is the first of all?—Jesus gathers up the scripture of Israel in one statement.
In the first part, he quotes the creed of Judaism, the Shema, which every Jew knew by heart and no pious Jew could disagree with this part of Jesus’ summary. Alongside this creed, Jesus places a text from Leviticus 19:18. “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”
For Jesus, it is a combination of these texts that makes for the summary and essence of the law. Religion is loving God and loving people as one loves oneself.
Most of our reflection, reading, and preaching focus on the first two dimensions: love of God and love of others. Rarely do we think about love of self. In fact, from an early age, the overriding message we pick up is “self-love” is bad/selfish and we ought to focus on others. But the Lord is clear: Love your neighbour as yourself.
How can I love myself? In the same way that I love others! I respect myself. I talk positively to and about myself. I look after myself and my needs—physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual. I am patient with myself.
How shall I love my God with my whole being? How shall I love my neighbour? How will I love myself?
May the Lord strengthen us to love in 3D: God, neighbour, and self.
By: Fr Dr Mascarenhas Vinod SDB