The inauguration of the revamped province website ( of the Salesian Province of Dimapur was held on 16 August 2020 on the 205th birth anniversary of the father and founder, St. John Bosco. The chief dignitary of the inauguration was Fr. Jose Kuruvachira SDB, the provincial, and others present were Fr. Nazarius Lakra – the Vice Provincial, Fr. Nebu Mathew – Economer and other fathers, brothers and lay persons.

The inaugural ceremony began with a few words of introduction by Fr. Benny James, the rector of Don Bosco Provincial House and secretary of the Province. Then Provincial clicked the province website live on the laptop.

Fr. Benny then described about the website and its new features like news, daily scripture reflection, direct donation possibility, prayer requests, vocation promotion etc. In his concluding remarks, he thanked everyone present for their support and encouragement.
(By Bro. Phabian Baglari SDB)